2022 Desk Calendar
Desk calendar for the year 2022
Two sizes available
Regular Size: 7x5" (17.8 x 12.7 cm)
Mini Size: Size: 3.5 x 4.25" (8.9 x 10.8 cm)
Handmade, coil bound desk calendar on matte paper.
Enjoy this carefully crafted calendar that features meowtastic original cat illustrations themed to fit the seasons and festivities of each month!
The calendar is the perfect desk mate, the design is clean and minimal and you get to enjoy every month with a new best kitty friend!
Purrfect present for any occasion, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, Birthdays, you name it!
Illustrations by Katrín Inga Frantz
Design, printing and binding by Ólöf María Østerby Eyþórsdóttir